Everyone has to start somewhere

As the title say, everyone has to start somewhere, 4 The People is a free to join tournement for both exsperianced and new comp players. This is gonna be a friendly competition for everyone, even tho its a small prize for 1th plass this is more about getting exsperiance.

Our Services

4 THE PEOPLE's image

New surv?

We can help you improve you're gameplay

4 THE PEOPLE's image

New Killer?

We can help you improve you're Gameplay

4 THE PEOPLE's image

Confused about Clock rotation?

We can guide you on how to read the map.

4 THE PEOPLE's image

Need help with twitch/obs?

We can help you set up a twitch account and guide you on how to use OBS.


Our vision for this is to make it a fun exsperiance for the DBD community. If the tournament becomes an sucsess 4TP is happy to countinue hosting Events and tournaments.